Real Solutions Keynote

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What would be the best keynote you could imagine?

Would the event include?

  1. Targeted for take home value through detailed diagnostic research.

  2. Authenticated by current case studies from world-class leaders.

  3. Include the latest research in Emotional Intelligence and Neuropsychology.

  4. Illustrated with irresistible characters

  5. Packed with engaging real life stories

  6. Wrapped in a package of side-splitting laughter

  7. Reinforced through community, articles and visual reminders

Real Science

In the past leadership has been described as an art. Today leadership is a science. The new fields of Neuroeconomics and Neuropsychology have pulled back the curtain on what really motivates us dispelling long-held myths about the role of leadership and management. Benefiting from the amazing power of FMRI imaging we can now look into the decision-making mind for the real secrets to peak performance.

Real Skills

Positive platitudes are not only pointless they are poisonous, leaving behind the dis-ease of optimism overdose. The ability to inspire and motivate are powerful skills for capturing attention and building trust, but alone they are like simple sugars in a well-balanced diet. Antiquated anecdotes do not provide the essential fuel solutions necessary for today’s high stress environment. I use best practice case studies gleaned from countless hours researching world-class leaders to create proven take home content.

Real Change

Changing habits is hard work, but to believe that high productivity requires high stress is to misunderstand the nature of peak performance. Work can be, should be, and needs to be enjoyable if it is to be done consistently well. The same is true of training of any kind. If you want the lessons to last, wrap bone-crushing-content in a package of side-splitting laughter. I use humor to open minds to new possibilities and to tell the truth without beating people over the head with it.

Real Stories

Leadership is always about change and the most powerful tools for sustainable transformation are the stories we tell. Stories create a common bond of shared experience focusing attention and energizing intention. The difference between feeling down-and-out and fired-up has little to do with our actual experiences and everything to do with our stories.

Real Shift

The balance of power is changing. Today and each and every day for the next 19 years 10,000 baby boomers will reach age 65. Succession planning is near the top of every organizational to do list, but what will leadership look like to a generation where meaning, purpose and connectedness are more important than money. Spirituality is no longer defined by religious affiliation but an approach to life defined not by what we get, but by what we give. These are not new ideas and those who ignore their existence in the workplace do so at their own peril. When and where it is appropriate I help teams focus on universal principles that bring people together in common purpose energized by more meaning-full conversations.


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