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“What we learn to do we learn by doing.”

Experiential events are an effective way to reinforce relationships within a team and to practice skills in a non-threatening environment. Skill sets typically include Listening, Planning, Full Participation, Mutual Support, Cooperation, Communication, Roles, Goals and Dialoging.    Events use the “Power of Play” to break down barriers, erase differences and rebuild relationships. Activities remind participants how to take our jobs seriously, but ourselves lightly.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.


Objectives are also designed by the group and may include goals like:

  1. Understand the value of not knowing.

  2. To be reminded how our outlook creates our reality.

  3. Identify and understand the process of overcoming some of the barriers in communication.

  4. Realize the importance and process for recovering from a perceived level of dis-service.

  5. Recognize the lifetime value of our relationships.

  6. Understand the importance of humor and laughter in improving the workplace.

  7. Experience miscommunication, and remind them of the skills for communicating both intellectually and emotionally.

  8. Relearn the negative impact of the three Rs  (Resist-Resent-Revenge).

  9. Learn through adapting non-traditional examples.

  10. Laugh, giggle or smile (at least once).

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