Astonishing Service™

December 15, 2021 Affective LeadershipAssociation InsightsCustomer ServiceEmotional IntelligenceKeynote Keys  No comments

Not Listening

Does it seem like service providers are just not listening?

Nobody wants to sit through another Service 101 session of “Smile Training”. Basics are appropriate for those new to the workforce, but they usually are not the problem.

The greatest service challenges are not from those few new, who don’t know how, but the vast majority who have forgotten why.

It is a problem not of heads, but of hearts. What’s needed is not a new way of doing, but a renewed reason for doing.

Astonishing Service™ is about bringing our authenticity to work, and to all the relationships in our lives. It is about experiencing the energy of a child, the joy of play and the excitement of “new” in all our relationships. Life is all about relationships of service. We serve our customers, members, coworkers, families, communities and even ourselves.

We believe these relationships often breakdown not because we don’t know how but because we have forgotten why. This program is designed to make work (and life) more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Our Twelve Step program for Astonishing Service includes:

1-Understanding the irreplaceable value of not knowing

2-Being reminded how our outlook creates our reality.

3-Discovering the value of Surprise.

4-Breaking away from the “acceptable levels of service” paradigm.

5-Identifying the process of overcoming some of the barriers to Astonishing service.

6-Realizing the importance and process for recovering from a perceived level of dis-service.

7-Recognizing the lifetime value of our relationships.

8-Understanding the critical impact of humor and laughter in breaking down barriers and improving the workplace.

9-Experiencing miscommunication while being reminded of the necessity of communicating both intellectually and emotionally.

10-Relearn the negative impact of the three Rs (Resist-Resent-Revenge).

11-Learn through adapting non-traditional examples.

12-Laugh, giggle or smile (at least once).

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