Treats (May be presented as either on-site trainings and off-site retreats)

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More Strengths, Less Stress

Strengths Retreat

Based on the Gallup Organization’s study of 100 million people worldwide, this training is designed to help participants understand and appreciate the unique strengths in each of us. When an organization’s leadership fails to focus on strengths, the likelihood of employees being engaged is just one in 11 but when leaders invest in strengths the odds of team members being engaged increases eightfold.  If you spend your life trying to be good at everything you’ll never be good at anything.

EQ: Emotional Intelligence 2.Go

EQ: Emotional Intelligence 2.Go

We are all cave-people.  This is not a social comment but a physiologic reality.  We are operating on “DOS” software in an apple environment.  Understanding the power of EQ and how to “hack” our hard wired (and often unconscious) responses is the key to both personal and team performance.

He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still
Lao Tzu  600 BC-531 BC

 Affective LeadershipAffective Leadership

The most important skill for leaders, managers and organizations is not about directing intention, but focusing attention. The affective leader realizes that in virtually every communication the employee is looking for one thing, AFFIRMATION.  More than an intellectual economy we are part of an emotional economy. Great organizations are those realize that “know how” is merely the ante to get in the game, winners “know why”.  Daniel Goleman taught us that a leader’s greatest responsibility is to “prime good feeling” in those they lead.  It does not matter if your team members are operating in cranes or on brains everyone is more productive when they are appreciated.


How to build, manage, support and grow a virtual laboratory where members exchange, encourage, refine, expand and experiment with new ideas.  Average employees fight for entitlements, exceptional employees only want opportunities.

 Cubic Thinking:
Creativity³Cubic Thinking: Creativity³

Would you like to help your board (or any group) think more effectively, more creatively, more thoroughly and more democratically?  Brainstorming: Born 1940-proven ineffective 1945 and a waste of time today.  C³ is a system for making groups more creative, more inclusive, more democratic, less personal and even faster.


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