collaboration tagged posts

Are you winning the rat race?

December 15, 2021 Affective LeadershipEmotional IntelligencePeer Powered PerformancePositive DevianceTraining  No comments

The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you‘re still a rat.”

Lily Tomlin

Every day is a contest.  We compete for increasing market share, advancing our position, receiving the recognition we deserve, the customers we need and the respect we long for.  But how do we measure our success?  Is there a finish line or benchmark?  Do all stakeholders agree on the metrics?

When Vineet Nayar took the helm of HCLT his greatest challenge was not their failures but their successes...

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Do Peers Perpetuate Poor Performance?

December 15, 2021 Affective LeadershipEmotional IntelligencePeer Powered PerformanceSpirit at Work  2 comments

Peer Pressure poor perfromance

This is part three in a five part examination of the forces that keep individuals and institutions caught a cycle of stress trapped by unexamined assumptions and ill designed solutions.  Part one examined the role of self in our illusory imprisonment, two the often subconscious part played by supervisors in the continuing incarceration and section three delves into the irresistible influence exerted on us by our peers...

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Creating a Coaching Community

December 15, 2021 Affective LeadershipEmotional IntelligencePeer Powered PerformancePositive DevianceTraining


I am not a fan of all the trendy new coaches.  I was a personal coach long before coaching was a profession.  In the seven years I managed athletic clubs our teams were responsible for growing the largest chain of fitness facilities in the Pacific Northwest serving more than 50,000 members.  Now it seems you can’t go anywhere without being accosted by a “personal coach” of some kind.

In 2009 I was certified as a coach by the same man who founded Sylvan Learning Centers; but Berry Fowler...

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Peer Power Invitation

December 15, 2021 Affective LeadershipEmotional IntelligencePeer Powered PerformancePositive Deviance  No comments

Peer Power Invitation

If you have come to this posting in follow up to one of many keynote presentations congratulations and thank you.  Most people have good intentions in the moment but it is easy to fall back into the daily grind of too much to do and too little time to invest in yourself.   You are your most important investment. 

According to   Nobel Prize-winning scientist Daniel Kahneman, each day we are given 20,000 moments.

  For most a vast majority of these moments are simply reruns or what has been ...

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Permanent Monday Syndrome

December 15, 2021 Affective LeadershipEmotional IntelligencePeer Powered PerformancePositive DevianceTopicsTraining

monday worker bee

Once again Gallop’s survey of 150,000 workers proves what too many already know from daily experience. There is a reason they call it work. NBC News Anchor Brian Williams reported in last night’s broadcast that only 30% of employees reported being engaged, 52% openly admit they are not and 18% are actively disengaged.

This is not new news – roughly the same statistics have been reported for the last three years, which makes you wonder...

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